Camel Halters & Headstalls: Choosing, Fitting & Safety

Sep 25, 2021
Camel Halters & Headstalls: Choosing, Fitting & Safety

In this video, we help you decide the best camel halter for your camels.


We give 3 different examples of camel halters with a focus on the camel halter that we’ve tried & tested and has proven itself time & time again.


Watch the video to learn about camel halters:


Want Access to the Camel Halter Making Workshop...? 

Only available to members of the Cameleer Academy - Become a Member Now!



Or maybe you're ready to learn how to Train & Handle camels using Camel Connection Trust Based Camel Training® method 


Join us in Virtual Camel School (we’ve offering heaps of bonuses

(which includes 1 month free membership to Academy, where the workshop is at)....



Happy Camel Connecting!



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