Camel Health Facts
Sep 27, 2021
If you're like so many other camel owners or wanna be owners, it's likely that you don't (or won't) have your camels in a natural “desert environment” roaming free, if this be the case then you need to be [continually] educating yourself on how to care for camels...
Nowadays, for us & our camels, rather than just "looking" at our camels (with our heads half tilted) to know if they are healthy & happy, we can now know, for sure, that our camels are in their best health than ever before!
Here are some Camel Health facts:
- A fat camel (or a camel that doesn't look "skinny") isn't always a healthy camel.
- De-worming your camel regularly is doing more harm than good unless you know for-a-fact, what worms your camel has.
- Not all skin issues in camels are Mange.
- Camel can get sick from environmental stress (including loneliness/depression)
- All domesticated camels need mineral supplementation (especially pregnant or milking camels!)
In the past, we made all the expensive (and heartbreaking) mistakes of owning camels when we didn’t “Know Better.”
Then enters Dr Margie Bale, a dedicated Camel Vet who willingly shares all her knowledge and experience of camel medicine and care, not only with us, but people in our Academy too!
Margie gives us digestible information on all things camel medicine & care (the type you don’t fall asleep to) in order to avoid some major camel health issues in the future….
The unfortunate thing with camels is that they are really good at hiding health issues from you and it’s only a matter of time before health issues occur and here’s why...
You see, Camels are survival animals, so even though they might “appear” to be healthy and strong (on the outside), what's happening on the inside is most likely a different story.
Many camel owners tell us that their camel(s) “looks healthy and seems happy," but here's the truth...
The reason that, for the most part, camels "looks healthy, seems happy" is because camels are designed to “appear” healthy so they don’t get preyed upon by predators and or picked on by other herd members.
Makes sense when you think about it, right….?
So when a camel is sick, unwell or showing symptoms, they’ve actually been unwell for quite sometime - their “survival of the fittest” instinct had taken over.
Point being, you don’t really know your camel is healthy until you know the science of how to keep them healthy (we know, we've been there)!
The guessing and assumptions on how to keep camels healthy so they can live a long happy life, didn’t turn out too well for us in the past, and we don’t want the same for you and your camels!
Wanna know how you can keep up to date with the latest & greatest camel care & husbandry info so your camels (or the camels you care for) can live a long & happy life...?
Your next step as a camel owner, wanna-be-owner or carer is to get professional Know How on camel care & medicine from an [actual] Camel Vet & experienced camel owners.
This week we are hosting a Camel Vet Q&A call with Dr Margie Bale (Camel Vet) where you can get your camel health questions or concerns answered and learn from other camel people's questions.
Honestly, this is the best opportunity for ALL camel owners or want to be owners - no matter how long you’ve been caring for camels (or Googling / asking Facebook).
We’re offering camel health Know How straight from the Camel [vets] mouth.
To join this Camel Vet Q&A call CLICK HERE to become a member of The Academy.
Once you Become a member you'll get...
> A private invitation to join Camel Vet Q&A call
> A Chance to ask your questions to an experienced Camel Vet
> Instant access to our Library of Camel information, video tutorials, eBooks, workshops & so much more.
The $ cost $ of becoming a member is just a faction of the cost of getting a one-on-one consult with Camel Vet, Dr Margie Bale - Join HERE and we'll see you on the call!
Here's to you and your camel knowledge!
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Introduction to Camels eBook
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