Do Camels Make Good Pets?
Mar 05, 2022
Having a camel as a pet is one of the most enjoyable things to experience. Sure, they aren’t dog sized (but kinda ‘dog like’ in behaviour) and they require particular husbandry requirements specific to camels.
Knowledge is power to pet camel ownership!
Many people across the globe are enjoying their ‘Pet Camel’ in a variety of ways from pleasure riding and trekking to simply just being with their camel.
In this video, I explain what you need to know to have a pet camel.
I cover things like:
- Housing
- Camel behaviours
- Husbandry Requirements
- Training & Handling requirements
Watch the video or listen to the podcast to find out more about Pet Camels.
Make sure you subscribe to my ***new YouTube channel*** above so you don't miss any new videos!
Camel Behaviourist, Wellness & Energy Expert
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Introduction to Camels eBook
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