Dromedary Vs Bactrian Camel Behaviours
Sep 17, 2021
One of the most common questions we get asked is "what's the difference between dromedary and bactrian camel behaviours?"
Which is like asking a parent "who is your favourite child?"
Beside the obvious - that dromedary camels have one hump and bactrian camels have 2 humps, the answer to this question is complex and diverse just as any camel's personality.
Being from Australia, we've had limited experience with bactrian camels compared to dromedary camels (as there are no bactrian camels in Australia), although we've had the pleasure of working with bactrian camels in Mongolia and the USA.
When we we're first invited to help train bactrian camels in Mongolia (our first contact with them ever), naturally we doubted ourselves first (yes, we're just as human as the next person). We took time to decide. We thought on the idea of using our Camel Connection Trust Based Camel Training® on bactrian camels, after all we'd only ever used our method on dromedary camels.
With some Google searching on bactrian camels and getting lost in a sea of information we decided to close the lids on the laptops and let our intuition guide us.
In reply to those that we're asking us to help them train their camels in Mongolia we replied "We will help! Our Camel Connection Trust Based Camel Training® will work on ANY camel...." And we were right!
From then on we became addicted to work more with the bactrian camels and, of course, we have ample opportunities here in Australia to work with the dromedary camels.
Tune in now to hear the behavioural differences that we've encountered of the bactrian and dromedary camels.
Now we want to hear form you.... Tell us in the comments below any differences you've noticed and your biggest takeaway from this episode.
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