Preparing Your Camel For Vet Visit

Sep 25, 2021
Preparing Your Camel For Vet Visit

Truth-telling time >>> If you cannot restrain your camel in a safe and effective way, a vet cannot treat your camel.


There’s not much a vet can tell from a distance, so having proper restraint is paramount to being a responsible camel owner.


Who better to explain safe ways to restrain your camel for a vet visit than Camel Vet, Dr Margie Bale, who, as the title indicates, is experienced with treating camels and making it safe for all involved. 


Watch/listen now:






If you’d like to access a tutorial on how to safely restrain your camel for a vet visit, become a member of the Cameleer Academy online membership where we have stacks of tutorials, vet talks, husbandry resources, and equipment-making workshops!



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