Redefining Happiness & Success via Camels: John Elliott Interview
Sep 23, 2021
We have an adventure packed interview for you today - all revolving around one man’s idea of trekking with camels.
We sat down with John Elliott: Adventurer, Entrepreneur, Explorer & now Cameleer.
John decided to embark on a journey - namely a camel expedition - over the next few years visiting town to town around Australia entertaining the most exciting, dangerous and adventurous experiences that he can find or make up. John has been connecting with locals to understand how they deigned their life & happiness.
Before John had the idea of trekking with camels around Australia he had a revelation: That everything that made him happy in his life revolved around money.
John’s “epic journey” began learning about outback survival and camels to support his new idea.
Two years ago John started his camel leanring with us - coming to our farm to learn camel training & handling through our camel courses.
After about 12months into his actual camel trek, John decided it was time to pay us a visit - the place where his camel learning began.
No ordinary visit as John walked down our driveway with his 5 camels & dog! For us it was incredibly heartwarming to see & witness what we teach in full operation and swing!
While John and his camels (and dog) stayed and rested with us for 3 weeks, after a harrowing near death experience in Victoria’s High Country (more on that later) we thought we’d sit down with him and get John to share his camel journey, with you, thus far.
In this [mostly hilarious] interview John shares how he retired from all aspects of his former life as he knew it…
John Elliott retired from his CEO position of his own company after 10 years of hard work, dedication and as an award winning Entrepreneur.
He walked away form a seemly successful life…
He gave away his dream car…
Walked away from his house & belongings.
Gave up his regular wage and creature comforts…
Now, John Elliott is redefining success on his own terms.
You’re going to love this interview with John Elliott.
You’ll laugh (a lot), feel some “feelings” and get inspired.
Watch the full video interview (YouTube) or listen to the audio (iTunes Podcast & Soundcloud).
Let’s dive in…
Or watch...
Tell us in the comment below what your biggest takeaway from this interview with John Elliott was.
Happy Camel Connecting!
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