True Cost of Keeping Camels
Sep 27, 2021
Ever wondered what the true costs of keeping camels are?
Whether you’re considering having camels or already do have camels tune into this podcast episode where we run you through:
> People who are suitable to owning camels
> What it costs in time to keep camels
> What financial costs you need to consider when owning camels
We give you a ‘checklist’ style episode to help you determine if camels are right for you OR if you already own camels, what you plan for, and be informed about camel keeping for future purposes.
Listen to the episode now
We’ll teach you the 3 Camel Keeping Mistakes That Even Seasoned Camel Owners Make!
By the end of this webinar, you’ll leave feeling more Camel Confident (and learn something new!)
Get Your Free Copy:
Introduction to Camels eBook
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